Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hi everyone. I would like all you discriminating and erudite folk to check out this website

What does a doofus like me have to do with a Silicon Valley start-up? Plenty! The man behind it is my old college mate and room mate, Hrishi Kamat who has frequently, though not recently, performed the yeoman task of scooping up yours truly whenever I inadvertently ingested those few drops of alcohol that disengage the control of the brain from the operation of the lower limbs. Hrishi himself was the most sober and upright of us all. His only weakness was - and is- food, of which he is a connoisseur.

Hrishi has now launched this website, which is an interesting concept. It is a message board - he calls it 'the wall' - where you can post text messages, photo albums and video messages (via a web cam). Only your friends, that is people approved by you, can view this wall.

It is an ideal place to put family and personal stuff. Vacation photos, perhaps. Or plans for a get-to-gether. And the webcam video messaging lends a very personal touch to your message.

So join in now and get into the scene. Its definitely the next big thing! And do include me as your friend.


Shyama said...

Joined the new social sighting thingie...

Forsoothsayer said...

it's called FACEBOOK, man. that's where it's at.

FifthBeatle said...

Hey, I know this is 'way back in [late] 2007', but surely the concept of a social networking site wasn't new even back then.

And next big thing? The site doesn't even exist anymore.

Just saying.

Cleaning Service Oklahoma City said...

I've never heard of it - thanks for sharing with the rest of us.

house cleaning fort worth said...

Never heard of it - but I'll certainly take a look though.